Tuesday 9 October 2012

I'm still living The Awesome Life!

Oh gosh, I've taken abit of a hiatus from the blogging world haven't I?

It definitely hasn't been intentional, since my last post in early August, I was offered a new position as work. It is alot more time consuming then my previous role and while I am loving it, it has left me not alot of free to time to blog!

I'm going to do my best to get on here whenever I can (I need it for myself more than anything!) although the posts might not be as regular as I'd like them to be.

So what's been up since August? I decided to do the 12 Week Fenix Transformation Challenge again (the challenge that started my journey last year) and we're almost halfway through week 5 at the moment.
Part of the reason why I've made time to start blogging again is that I have to take a step back at look at what I'm not doing enough of and not doing to the best of my ability and take accountability for it. I started this challenge hiding my goals and starting measurements, deep down probably scared that I wouldn't acheive them. So here I am, baring all because I WILL reach my goals.

These are the goals I wrote down at the beginning of the12 weeks:

- Run 10km in 50 minutes - that's wiping a full 5 min 30 secs off my pb
- Get control of my nutrition - kick the sugar and binging habit in the ass - cos it doesn't matter how much I train, you can't out-exercise a bad diet!
- Lean up quite dramatically - especially my lower body - would like to hit between 12-15% body fat
- Achieve a flat stomach with muscle definition
- Achieve an athletic body - look fit, healthy and strong to an outsider who doesn't know how hard I work
- Do 5 unassisted chin-ups in a row

As part of the challenge, we take measurements every 4 weeks to gauge progress. I had my first 4 week measurements on Monday. So I'm putting it out there, the good, bad and the ugly! Here's my progress results so far.

Week 1 - 09/09/12Week 4 - 08/10/12Results
Weight (kg)63.662.6-1
Body Fat %20.319.2-1.1
Shoulder (cm)103102-1
Chest (cm)8987-2
Navel (cm)7976-3
Right Bicep (cm)2726-1
Left Bicep (cm)2726-1
Hips (cm)8987-2
Right Thigh (cm)53.553-0.5
Left Thigh (cm)5352.5-0.5
Right Calf (cm)37370
Left Calf (cm)3736.5-0.5

As you can see I did get some results, which is definitely positive but no way near enough to hit my goals. I am back to where I was weight-wise, body fat % and most measurement-wise at the end of the last challenge so I am happy and excited to see how much I can improve my body.

I know exactly where I'm lagging and it has to do with one of my main goals - nutrition. To get where I want to get, my nutrition over the first four weeks has not been up to scratch. So back to square one, closely watch and be accountable for everything I put in my mouth and don't let anything get between me and my goals.

This Sunday I'm running the 10km course at the Melbourne Marathon and I'm hoping to tick off my first goal on the list and run it in 50 minutes. I've been training hard but I'm not sure if I'll quite get there! Keep your fingers crossed for me and if you'd like to sponsor my run, you can do so here, myself and our running crew are running for the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre.

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